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马涛 《中国农学通报》2020,36(35):134-138
研究裂解温度对污泥生物质炭基础理化性质的影响,为安全、合理、高效处置污泥提供理论依据。将干燥污泥分别在200、300、500、700℃下进行热裂解处理(SBC200、SBC300、SBC500、SBC700),获得污泥生物质炭,测定其基础理化特性。结果表明:不同温度制备的污泥生物质炭表面颗粒结构完好,孔径范围均集中在10~50 μm,其中低温生物质炭SBC200表面较光滑,最可几孔径和中值孔径最大,分别为20.1 μm和14.8 μm,高温生物质炭SBC700表面较粗糙,比表面积最大,为5.98 m2/g。随裂解温度的提高,污泥生物质炭的产率、含水量、电导率、挥发分、阳离子交换量显著下降,全碳、氧、全氮、氢含量、有效磷和铵态氮均逐渐降低,pH和灰分含量显著增加。将污泥制备成生物质炭,是安全处置污泥的有效途径,低温制得的污泥生物质炭具有更大的提高土壤肥力的潜力,而高温制得的生物质炭在改良土壤酸性的应用上具有更大的潜力。  相似文献   
饲草作物是指为增加土壤肥力,防止土壤侵蚀,累积和保护土层,增加土壤养分和含水率以及提高土壤质量而种植的植物。饲草作物为农田土壤提供了诸多益处,其还有助于增加和维持土壤中的微生物多样性。本文对多种饲草作物对土壤特性的作用,如土壤含水量、土壤微生物的活动、土壤碳固存、土壤硝态氮淋失、土壤水分和土壤健康等进行综述。饲草作物的选择通常取决于其自身对土壤的作用,其他考虑因素还包括天气条件,播种时间,是否为豆科植物以及杀灭饲草作物的时间和方法。研究表明,饲草作物也可用于减缓气候变化,抑制作物中的杂草,增加可交换的营养物质如Mg2+和K+,具有一定的经济性。另外,覆盖作物也会存在一些问题,包括杀灭覆盖作物的方法,其可能成为病原体的寄主,饲草作物的再生性以及短期收益不明显。尽管有一些局限,饲草作物仍被认为可以明显改善土壤整体健康状况,为主栽作物提供可持续的生态环境。  相似文献   
广西西北喀斯特不同植被不同土层的土壤颗粒有机质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西西北喀斯特地区不同植被(草丛、灌丛、原生林)生态系统表层(0~10 cm)及深层(70~100 cm)土壤为研究对象,采用热裂解–气相–质谱(Pyr–TMAH–GC/MS)技术,研究不同植被表层与深层土壤颗粒有机质(POM)的变化特征。结果表明:表层土壤的pH值、有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均随植被的正向演替呈上升趋势;草丛表层土壤的有机碳、总磷和碱解氮含量均显著高于深层土壤的(P0.05);灌丛表层土壤的有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均显著高于深层土壤的(P0.05),灌丛表层土壤的pH值和总钾含量显著低于深层土壤的(P0.05);原生林表层土壤的总磷、速效磷和速效钾含量显著高于深层土壤的(P0.05);随着植被的正向演替,土壤POM总量呈增加趋势,表层土壤POM总量显著高于深层土壤的;土壤POM热裂解产物类型主要有木质素类、酚类、芳烃、多环芳烃及脂类化合物,木质素类化合物仅存在于表层土壤,稠环芳烃(此处指除萘和茚外的多环芳烃)占比则随植被的正向演替呈下降趋势;植被显著影响POM总量和POM热裂解产物中对羟基苯基、稠环芳烃、脂肪酸、正构烯烃、萘、氰的占比,土层深度显著影响POM总量和POM热裂解产物中对羟基苯基、愈创木基、丁香酚基、茚、脂肪酸、酮、苯、烷基苯、酚类和氰的占比,植被与土层的交互作用显著影响POM热裂解产物中对羟基苯基、萜烯和脂肪酸的占比;POM总量与有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮、速效钾和速效磷含量呈显著正相关,与容重和总钾含量呈显著负相关,稠环芳烃与有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量呈显著负相关,且碱解氮和pH值显著影响POM化合物组成。可见,在喀斯特地区,土壤POM含量能反映土壤中潜在活性养分含量,可作为喀斯特地区评价不同植被恢复对土壤有机质库及土壤质量动态变化影响的敏感指标。  相似文献   
天然鱼蛋白乳化性不佳,难以满足实际生产需求,但鱼蛋白的酶解改性可改善其功能特性,并拓展应用范围。以鲣鱼白色肉为原料,以水解度和乳化性为主要指标,比较了不同蛋白酶(胰蛋白酶、风味蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶)和水解时间对酶解液制备和鱼蛋白乳化性的影响,优化了酶解工艺参数。将鱼蛋白进行冷冻干燥后,分析鱼蛋白酶解前后溶解性、乳化性和起泡性等功能特性的差异。结果表明,当胰蛋白酶添加量2 000 U·g-1,酶解10 min时,鱼蛋白水解度(DH)达到8.2%,此时鱼蛋白乳化特性最佳。与酶解前样品相比,酶解后鱼蛋白的乳化活性和乳化稳定性显著提高,其溶解度、起泡性和起泡稳定性均有一定程度的改善。酶解制备的鲣鱼蛋白在广泛pH范围内具有更好的功能性质,在食品工业具有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   
为探讨钙肥对瘠薄红壤旱地花生土壤理化性质影响,同时为优化花生生长环境提供理论依据,本研究在 湖南长沙选取红壤瘠薄旱地以及3个不同粒型大小花生品种(大粒湘花2008、中粒湘花55、小粒蓝山小籽),运用土 柱试验栽培法,设置施钙肥(CaO)和不施钙2个处理,对花生主要生育期的根际、0~20cm土壤理化性质进行测试与 分析。结果表明:在缺钙酸性土壤下,施钙能提高所有品种、各时期(成熟期略有不同)、各土层花生土壤的pH值, 调节土壤过酸强度;提升土壤有机质含量(蓝山小籽>湘花2008>湘花55);显著增加土壤碱解氮含量(湘花55>湘 花2008>蓝山小籽);更好地提高大、中粒型品种土壤有效钾含量;降低大、中粒型品种土壤有效磷含量。因此,在 氮、磷、钾营养元素充足,钙元素缺失的土壤下,增施石灰钙肥,既可降低土壤酸度,又能提高有机质、碱解氮、有效 钾含量,却降低速效磷含量,在缺钙酸性土壤花生生产中施用石灰时应增施磷肥,从而保障花生高产高效栽培。  相似文献   
三江源区不同建植年限人工草地根系动态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系动态特征能够反映人工草地植物利用土壤资源的效率和群落恢复演替的程度。本研究以三江源区不同建植年限(5、6、9和13年)人工草地植物根系为研究对象,利用“微根管”技术,连续两个生长季(2015年5-9月和2016年5-9月)探究了4个建植年限人工草地根系动态特征。结果表明:地上生物量和丰富度在建植5~9年呈下降趋势,建植9~13年显著上升;土壤理化性质呈“N”字型变化,不同建植年限间差异显著;随建植年限增加,根系寿命、累积生产量和累积死亡量均波动上升,根系的生长和死亡主要发生在0~10 cm土层;根系平均现存量随建植年限增加持续增加,建植6~9年趋于深层化;根系生产量、死亡量和现存量具有明显季节变化,6月为生长高峰期,7月为现存量高峰期,8月为死亡高峰期,建植9年人工草地根系正生长高峰期迟于其他建植年限;建植年限和土层深度直接影响根系寿命,其余环境因子通过影响土壤速效养分或地上生物量间接影响根系现存量。综上所述,建植人工草地能够增加地上生物量和丰富度,改善土壤质量,促进根系现存量的增加,建植6~9年人工草地的二次退化现象只是暂时性过渡阶段,可在此阶段制定合理的人工管理措施来保证土壤养分的稳定输入,加快群落正向演替的进程,从而提高人工草地的群落稳定性和恢复力。  相似文献   
In the present study, spray-dried pink perch meat protein hydrolysate (PPH) and hydrolysate with maltodextrin and gum arabic (PPHMG) were characterized in relation to their physical, rheological, functional, antioxidant, thermal, and sensory properties. The Herschel–Bulkley model was suitable to explain the flow behavior of PPH and PPHMG emulsions. Both the samples exhibited functional and antioxidant properties. Antioxidant activities were significantly higher for PPH compared with PPHMG (p<0.05). PPH and PPHMG alone did not exhibit antimicrobial activity but enhanced the activity of chitosan against pathogens. Sensory acceptability of the samples in soup revealed that PPHMG of up to 4% was highly scored without any traces of bitterness, whereas for PPH, a concentration of up to 3% was acceptable.  相似文献   
The effect of glycerol on gelatinization behaviours of high-amylose maize starch was evaluated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), scanning electronic microscope (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), texture analyzer (TPA) and rheometer. Gelatinization of the high-amylose maize starches with glycerol content of 10% (w/w) began at 95.4 °C (To), peaked at 110.3 °C (Tp), and completed at 118.9 °C (Tc). The birefringence began to disappear at around 100 °C and finished at 120 °C which corresponded well to the onset and conclusion temperatures obtained by DSC. The high-amylose maize starch granules maintained original morphological structure at 100 °C and swelled to a great degree at 110 °C. The high-amylose maize starch paste formed at 100 °C showed the lowest hardness (39.92 g), while at 120 and 130 °C, showed the highest hardness (610.89 g and 635.43 g, respectively). It should be noted that in going from 100 °C to 110 °C there is a significant increase in the viscosity of the slurry solution. The identical apparent viscosity was observed when the shear rate exceed 100 s−1, resulting from the high-amylose maize starch granules were completely gelatinized at 120 °C, which was consistent with DSC analysis.  相似文献   
Sorghum was germinated for different time (12, 24, 36 and 48 h) at different temperatures (25, 30 and 35 °C) and the changes in their nutritional and functional properties of germinated sorghum flour were assessed and compared with native sorghum flour. Germination inversely affects the crude protein, fat, fibre and ash content. A decrease in water absorption and swelling power and increase in oil absorption capacity was observed due to enzymatic starch modification as the germination duration progressed. Germination of sorghum increased the gel consistency while paste clarity was decreased as compared to native flour. Proteins were modified by action of enzymes during higher germination time and temperature conditions, which results in significantly higher protein solubility of germinated sorghum flour, which also result in enhancing the foaming and emulsifying properties of the flour. Lowest % synersis value and least gelation concentrations were observed in native sorghum has, which increased during germination and were highest in sorghum germinated for 48 h at 35 °C. Germination in overall can be used as low cost natural bio-processing technique for the preparation of modified flour with enhanced function properties without chemical modification or genetic engineering.  相似文献   
This study set out to determine the effects of cattle manure and inorganic N‐fertilizer application on the hydraulic properties and maize yield of a clay and sandy soil in a smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe. Four fields classified as homefields (HF: more fertile and closer to homesteads) and outfields (OF: less fertile and further from the homesteads) were selected on clay and sandy soil. They were subjected to four treatments, control (no fertility amendment), 5, 15 and 25 t/ha cattle manure + 100 kg/ha N (as ammonium nitrate) for 7 years. A two‐way randomized complete block design was used with fertility and field type as the two factors. Clay soil hydraulic properties, which included density of macropores with a diameter >300 μm, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, steady‐state infiltration rate, moisture retention under low suction and maize grain yield, were significantly improved (P < 0.05) by fertility management compared with the control and were generally comparable between the HF and OF. Fertility management significantly improved maize grain yield on sandy soils but did not enhance hydraulic parameters, thereby indicating poor responsiveness in structural build‐up. On the other hand, significantly different hydraulic parameters between the sandy soil HF and OF suggested effects of other factors not related to soil fertility and field type treatments. We therefore concluded that application of a high rate (25 t/ha) of cattle manure and inorganic N‐fertilizer is beneficial for fertility restoration to the degraded OFs with associated comparable hydraulic properties on HFs and OFs on clay soil, unlike on sandy soil.  相似文献   
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